Reviews of an Acute Cinephile.

Justice League (2017) Movie Review

Sigh. DC just can’t seem to get it right, can they? There was a small moment where I thought they did when Wonder Woman released and turned out to be pretty decent. But now, after having seen Justice League, I realize that could’ve just been a ‘captured lightning in a bottle’ type situation mainly due… Continue reading Justice League (2017) Movie Review

Reviews of an Acute Cinephile.

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Movie Review

Thor: Ragnarok is probably the most I’ve been thoroughly entertained by a film this year. And in a year with truly spectacular blockbusters like Spider-Man: Homecoming and War for the Planet of the Apes, that’s no mean feat. Directed by Taika Waititi ( AKA the director who’s work I loved before it was cool. Read… Continue reading Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Movie Review